Unpopular though the practice is, we have been bed-sharing with our babe since he outgrew his cosleeper. Our pediatrician and all the "experts" recommend against it due to the risk of rolling over on your baby or having them suffocate in the blankets, etc. The truth is, though, that the scientific research simply doesn't support this theory. Sure, there are tragic cases every year of some kid or other being killed in the bed by smothering but most of the time these cases involve parents who are drunk or on drugs.
Sneaky Rowan at about 2 months old out of his cosleeper and into our bed... and so the habit was formed. |
The risk of SIDS (cot or crib death) is actually lower in countries where cosleeping is the norm. Cosleeping has also been found to have many benefits, including more regular heart rhythm and body temperature in the baby and less night time waking/crying, meaning better sleep for parents and baby. Studies have also shown that babies who slept in their parents' bed grew up to be more independent and have higher self esteem than those who slept alone. Not to mention that having baby right next to mum facilitates easy breastfeeding, which has to be a good thing.
If cosleeping is dangerous for anyone, it's the parents! Rodney and I have both had many a kick to the face, head butt to the nose, eyes nearly poked out by wayward fingers, etc. Despite the perils, we love having the wee man sleep next to us. It works for him and it works for us.
I had to laugh when I saw this picture that Rodney came across on the internet. We can definitely relate!
So it turns out that Rodney likes to take photos of Rowan and me while we're sleeping.... creepy! ;) He didn't capture any of the above positions exactly, but I thought it was a cute collection anyway.
From these pictures you'd think all we do is sleep around here. Not sure, then, why I feel so tired all the time! Maybe one of these days we'll get this kid into his own bed but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon and that's just fine with me.
What is Dr. Casserta's email address please?
Ha! Yes, I wish I knew so I could forward her the link to our blog myself. :)
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