This is the perfect time of year to visit South Carolina. We spent a week on Hilton Head island and the weather was bright and sunny. The beaches are much quieter now that the school year has started again. Not too many waves but some body boarding was attempted. The majority of our time was spent relaxing and enjoying some down time, good food and a few drinks. The non-alcoholic versions for Jen of course, she was the designated driver.
Savannah is just 45 minutes drive from the island. We spent a day walking around the city, which has a very southern feel to it. A tall ship was docked in the harbour as well as a large paddle boat.

It didn't take long for Jen to sniff out a chocolate shop. They make all these fancy treats on the premises. We did not walk out empty handed.
The Savannah Bee Company has a couple of stores in the city. They sell a whole range of honeys and various other bee related products. We sampled the honey and bought a couple of jars to bring home.

Relaxing in the shade with our purchases.

Back on the island, we didn't always go to the beach. Some time was spent by the pool. Not too busy either.

Golf was the sport of choice on a couple of occasions. Mini golf to be precise. Here, Pat lines up a shot for the green, while Doug's ball is in the rough.

Using the full extent of the course, Doug tries for the hole.
The concentration is intense. Keep your eye on the target, and not on the ball.
Rory McIlroy has nothing on this guy. Perfect form.
Pat tries for another trick shot.Off the wall, through the gravel trap and onto the green. Look out for the water hazard.
This would have been the preferred mode of transport on the island but unfortunately there were none for rent. This machine was parked in Savannah.

Instead we opted for this - a bicycle made for two. It took a while to get used to, but then it was plain sailing. The guy at the rental place was quite right when he said it's like driving an 18 wheeler. It doesn't quite turn on a dime.
This was a quick shoot late one evening. We weren't the only ones though. A bride was having her wedding photos taken just behind us. There are alligators in that pond.