Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Empty Room

All the cabinets are out and it's time to start building everything back up. We will still need to do a few things before we can actually put the new cabinets in. The ceiling will need to be patched up because we know that will be a dusty job. We'll also need to get the hardi-plank sub floor down. We bought the cement board this weekend so that we'll be ready to screw it down when the opportunity arrives.
This weekend we got a few more of the small odds and ends finished. A new 20 amp circuit for the island and a dedicated 20 amp circuit for the microwave. We discovered that the extractor fan that was in the kitchen had just been venting into the ceiling so we took that out. We ran the duct work for the new range hood and installed the vent in the exterior wall. We would have installed the hood but it turns out we'll need to make some modifications to get it to hang at the height we want.
These island lights are the first finished element of the new kitchen, even though there is no island for them to shine on. Hopefully we can get some other parts finished so that we feel we're making progress.