I have been planning a rematch with choux pastry ever since the great eclair debacle earlier this month. Tonight was the night. It was a little touch & go for a while there but I think in the end, I won. I showed that choux who's boss.
And then we ate eclairs for dinner. Dinner. Of. Champions.
Makes me a little sick thinking about eating those for dinner, but they look excellent.
What's the secret then, Jen?
Now that you have cracked it.
joan - It's all about the consistency. I'll probably never get it right again. But the first time the mixture was too thin. I added a little less egg this time so it was a little stiffer. I might just quit now while I'm ahead!
when's the next dinner party?
Wowsa! Real pastries- impressive! I'm thinking quit the VNA and run a bakery out of the garage! You can thank me later:)
Erin, that would require us to make eclairs and not eat them. A very difficult thing to do.
Oink, Oink pigs!
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