I was browsing around some old photos and videos on our computer and I cannot for the life of me figure out why we never blogged about this wedding we went to in Ireland a couple of years ago. You'll forgive the late entry once you see the video below. I believe it was August of 2010 - we went on a trip to Scotland for several days and then across to Ireland to attend the wedding of Fionnuala, an old friend of Rodney's from his high school days. Now this girl used to be big into Irish dance. Her parents own an Irish dance school and as part of the wedding reception there was a lovely performance by some of the guests who used to be students at the school.
After the pros were done, they asked for some men to volunteer to come up to the front for a little activity. Of course no one wanted to volunteer so the bride and bridesmaids went around picking people and basically dragging them up to the front to participate. Rodney was one of the lucky ones chosen by the bride for this special game. Once the motley crew were all lined up on the dance floor, it was explained that this was going to be an Irish dancing competition - I was glad to have the video camera handy for this!
It's a good thing these guys all had a few drinks in them before the game started... we're all better dancers after a few beers! As you can imagine, I was so very proud of my dear husband. I think this was the highlight of the whole trip. I can't remember who won the competition but it didn't really matter. Maybe Rodney even won, I don't know, but if not I think he should have. Rodney is the one in the waistcoat here (just in case you were about to mistake him for Michael Flatley). Now I'm going to show you this little clip - try not to pee your pants. :)
I thought he was going to kick over that stack of coffee cups! :)
If you meld the clip of Rodney dancing with the footage of Andy performing "Can't Touch This" I think you might have a viral video on your hands...
Erin, I think if I melded those together, my computer might explode.
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